a couple of my buddies at the gym have been using trenbolone and they’ve been pacing me quite a bit in terms of strength and muscle
I feel like I’m falling behind them
what would you say about me using TREN at 25 years old
My thoughts are this:
tren 200mgs a week
test 150mgs a week
36 years old. 5’9’’ and 180 pounds.
I’ve used trenbolone once in my life around 5 years ago.
The side effects were NASTY
I don’t want to do that again. I ran it way too high at 650mgs a week.
My length of cycle is gonna be around 10 weeks I think.
This time I will do 250mgs a week. What should I...
I’m 46 years old and I’m around 200 lbs and 5’10”
Need some advice on my next cycle, which will include tren. Now, although I have used it in the past it was about 8 years ago. So it’s been Some time. I don’t even recall the dosing I ran before but re-reading about it seems like 350mgs is the...
I’m 80 kg and about 14% body fat and I’m 28 years old
I’m very desperate to do a recomping stack going into the fall
my steroids I want to use are tren and masteron together
the tren dose will be 250mgs a week and masteron 500mgs a week.
15 weeks.
Do you think this is a good setup or too much?
need everyone in here supporting me on my cycle or don’t even talk to me at all.
What I plan on doing is a thing of beauty.
Test cyp 500mgs a week + Equipoise 1000mgs a week + Trenbolone Enanthate 500mgs a week. 12 weeks.
Then I will add in some mast prop and winstrol to finish the cycle the...
Currently in my early 40’s and I’m 5’9’’ 188 pounds and looking to do some tren and masteron
my steroid cycle looks pretty simple.
Its gonna look like this:
tren 250mgs a week tren ace
mast prop 300mgs a week total
I’m thinking 8 weeks would be good but should I plan for 10 week in case I want...
Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #74 - Trenbolone the Good and Bad - with Euro Pharma
In this IronOverload podcast your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - Anavar (Oxandrolone) and Trenbolone mixed in a cutter, doses and how to do it?
Stevesmi's and Mobster's personal experience
What we think is the optimal dosing
The ideal cycle length
Why these two?
The possible side...
I am going to do deca durabolin 500mgs a week
Proviron 100mgs a day
12 weeks
Should i stack in trenbolone or testosterone here to add to the cycle or is it okay the way i have it setup?
I am 28 years old and I have been using steroids for the past 8 years. I'm currently 5'6 210 lb and around 14%...
I am looking to use testosterone and trenbolone for bodybuilding purposes
I'm interested in possibly doing a show sometime later this year but no rush on that. basically I would like to get lean and muscular
I’m 5’9’’ and 230 pounds with 18% body fat and 26 years old
I have a lot of work to do i...
My goal is strength
I’m 250 pounds, the most i have weighed
I was 230 a year ago
And thick
I want more strength but want to try something different
I’ve always used lots of testosterone and trenbolone
Now i want to try something else. What options do i have?
wanted to get some cutting action
grabbed their cutting stack from domestic supply. Came fast!
gonna be doing testosterone propionate
along with masteron pro
and trenbolone acetate
debating if I should be doing daily injections or EOD. What do y’all think?
In this IronOverLoad episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den check out an oral only cycle – Trenbalone and Clenbuterol. We discuss:
What we think athletes would want from using the oral form of Tren and Clen together
We discuss each drug alone and then as a combination...
I am in Australia and our winter is your summer in the states
I'm looking at cut down and get a nice beach body look
I’m 76kg, 5’9’’ and 27 years old
My stack will include winstrol and trenbolone
I’m thinking 50mgs a day of each?
what else should I include in this with testosterone be Overkill?
In this IronOverLoad episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den check out an oral only cycle – Trenbalone and Halotestin We discuss:
What we think athletes would want from using the oral form of Tren and Halo together
We discuss each drug alone and then as a combination...
In this IronOverLoad episode your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster from the UK Iron Den check out an oral only cycle – Tren and Anavar. We discuss:
What we think athletes would want from using the oral form of Tren and Anavar together
We discuss each drug solo
Why we'd tweak the doses down from...