I’m 22 years old. This is my 3rd cycle. I’m 220 pounds and 5’11’’
I’ve got a couple side effects on my current stack and I’m wondering what you think and if this is normal.
I’m doing hcg, halo and tren. Doing the halo 10-20mgs a day and the trenbolone around 250mgs a week (2x per week).
I’m looking to use both trenbolone and test for my next cycle to get more gains.
180 lbs and 5’10”. want to get over 200+ pounds and I’m 40 years old.
Currently in my early 30s and I’ve done several Cycles back in my 20s but nothing in the past 3 or 4 years.
The stack I wanted to do was...
I’ve used both along with testosterone and I reacted well in both situations had some good strength and bulking. Now I want to use them together.
I’m 28 years old. 5’9’’ and 184 pounds.
My cycle would look like this:
tren 300mgs a week
deca 400mgs a week
10 weeks.
Anyone give me any other tips...
never ran tren this high but I want to see what it feels like.
I’m in my early 40s and I’m around 210 lbs. This will be the 4th cycle with tren
has anyone tried it 1000mgs a week? My plan is to keep it flexible and to try it for 6 weeks and then take it week by week after that until the side...
I’m 5’10” 18 185 lbs and around 14% body fat and I’m 37 years old
I’m looking for advice when it comes to using tren E for best results while cutting down
my initial cycle was gonna be test ace and test prop. But I changed my mind because I don’t want to inject so much so will go with tren E
would like to try a cutting stack to get more lean. I would like to get under 10% for the first time in my life.
standing currently at 5’7” and 185 lbs
13% body fat and 44 years old
looking to use tren ace 250mgs a week. 50Mgs 5x per week 50mgs injections
and then using masteron prop 500mgs a...
I’m very confused when it comes to the best way to use trenbolone for bulking. Some say you can’t bulk on it and others say that you can I even saw someone say that you can bulk on winstrol lol.
Seems like tren has a lot of ways to run it. Should I do 400mgs a week of tren E for 12 weeks? Would...
I’m curious about competing I went to a Show recently and it looks really interesting and fun. Would like to start using steroids and experimenting with how they react in my body.
Curious about using tren and masteron for recomp ahead of a show?
Planning this cycle for next year.
Would 200mgs...
I’m looking to run a cycle for a contest that is coming up later this summer.
Gonna be a 12 week run which will take me into the contest directly.
Here is my plan:
test cyp 500mgs, then dropping 200mgs 2 weeks prior
tren ace 50mgs EOD 12 weeks
either EQ or primo 500mgs for full 12 weeks too...
this will be my third cycle previous cycle I did some testosterone with some orals
I’m interested in using primo and tren together.
Going to do 250mgs of tren and 400mgs of primo.
Goal is recomping but I want the stack to be balanced. I’m 208 pounds and 17% body fat and 38 years old.
10 week...
in my early 50’s and still very active. I’m doing weight training four times a week and I do cardio two times a week minimum
hoping I can do a tren and tbol stack together.
Decided to go with Ace into 50 milligrams every other day. Would it be okay to run tbol EOD as well or should I stick to...
Not worried at all about losing my head here as I’m already bald and I shave.
What I am worried about though is leaving anything on the table I want to extract every ounce of muscle I can on the cycle.
First off would you run these eight weeks or would you push for 10 weeks?
Also the dosing…...
if you want high quality gear then definitely take a look at PSL. I used Purity Source labs tren, growth hormone, and sustanon. Did all three together and first off it was extremely affordable. A few years ago I couldn’t dream of doing a stack like this because of the price but they really do a...
I’m looking to use tren ace just for it’s anti catabolic effects during a cut
never ran tren before so I’m a little bit nervous
I’m 25
217 lb and 17 percent body fat
definitely time for me to cut down would like to get under 10 percent over the next year or two
thinking of doing just 100mgs a...
I was wondering what i shouldn’t stack with tren
Gonna be my first time using it and my goals are to bulk up and get bigger.
I’m currently on test and EQ
I want to use tren on my next cycle but not sure what to avoid while on it
Can you list me some steroids to not run with it?
I’m 40 years old...
Wondering if you all thought i was truly ready for trenbolone or if i should wait?
I’m currently 26 years old. I’ve done 3 cycles so far. Last cycle was testosterone and EQ. before that i did some deca and test. And the first one was dbol and test
Looking to get more results this time. Thinking...
Looking for honest opinions and no slamming
I'm 28 years old and have you steroids for the past 5 years. unfortunately my results have not been as good as I was hoping
my initial goals were to turn pro one day but I don't think I had the genetics. now my goals are just to look good year round...
I’m 46 years old and past my prime when it comes to bodybuilding, but i still like to stay in shape. I’m 185 pounds and 5’10’’
So not looking to use anything harsh like tren lol
Just want something mild
What do you guys think about using primobolan? And if so how much would you stack it with...
5-6 cycles under belt
so I'm getting a bunch of conflicting information on if trenbolone and winstrol are good steroids to use together
What do you guys think ?
I’m currently using deca and proviron and its a good stack but not getting the type of strength i was hoping for
I’m 30 years old
5’8’’ 189 pounds
Built bulky and strong
Ran sustanon and test prop before
This time wanted to use test prop again with tren
Decided to go with acetate
8 week cycle and did 250mgs of test and 400mgs of tren ace
I nailed PR’s in all my big lifts and was very impressed with my...