I am going to get married in the next 3 months and I want to look perfect for my wedding because it's going to be in front of a lot of people and we're going to get a lot of pictures taken and all that.
what is a supplement I can start taking now for the next 3 months that is legal and I can...
can you be specific as to which supplement I'm supposed to use while I am on anabolic steroids to help with my liver issues.
I’m currently using something called liverMD and it isn’t helping. My liver numbers are like twice where they should be within range.
which is the best supplement to use for sleep quality
I have no issues falling asleep at all. Its just for me when I get to sleep it seems like the quality of my sleep suffers. I wake up tossing and turning and thinking about things going on in my life and stuff
I need something that will knock...
I can remember back in the eighties and nineties Muscle Milk was like the best supplement sold and we all used it. Now I barely hear anyone using it anymore
any idea why it fell out of favor? I'm just curious I'm just an old guy with memories of the 80s when things were good.