I’m looking to boost my endurance and I would like to use sr9009 to help me with that
I’ve never used sarms before and I’ve never used this product before so I don’t know much about how to use it aside from what I’m reading online
I’m 28 years old and my goal is to improve my 5k and 10k times...
23 years old 5’11” 218 lbs and I’m 28 years old
what are the best things to use with sr9009 and ostarine if I want to put together a nice lean bulk cycle?
I’m training five times a week and a recovery is not easy as I’m going very high volume
example yesterday’s work out I put in about 25 to 26 sets
55 years old. 170 pounds and 5’6’’
Goal is lean gains and fat loss with endurance benefits too
The cycle that I was really looking at doing is as follows:
I’m curious about your strategy for using sr9009 and rad 140 together in a stack
I’m thinking about doing 15 mg a day.
What do you think...
I’m looking to do a nice cutting stack using GW 501516 and also using sr9009 with it
looking to do 20 mg of each per day and go 16 weeks
my stats are approximately 215 pounds and I’m 40 years old
my body fat is somewhere in the 20s I would like to drop it to less than 15%
do you think this would...
really excited to try some sarms on my next cycle
looking to do about 3000 calories per day.
I’m around 6’3” and I’m 187 lbs and 38 years old
goal is to put some lean to moderate muscle mass on my frame while keeping side effects low and to CUT CUT CUT! I want to get my body fat under 10%
I’m 3 weeks into sr9009 and gw cardarine. I’m doing 15 milligrams of each per day.
Can confirm I’m definitely losing fat loss. I would guess I’ve gone from 25% body fat down to 22% body fat and I’m down about 8 lbs body weight total. Stuff works!!! currently down to 248 lbs and I’m 5’9”.
I’m looking to use lgd4033 + sr9009 on my next cycle. Just want to make sure that they pair well together a friend of mine was saying you shouldn’t run them together because they compete for Androgen receptors or something like that.
What do you think about that theory? I’m 21 years old and this...
25 years old and I’m 216 pounds and five foot seven
I’ve got some muscle on my frame but I also have some body fat I would like to shed
would like to go from a 30 nine inch waist down to maybe a 34 inch waist
really looking forward to experience some cutting effects
my cycle is gonna be 8 weeks...
216 pounds and I am six foot two with 18% body fat and I’m 22 years old.
looking to do a recomp, would like to run sr9009 25mgs a day with rad140 20mgs a day for 6 weeks.
A question is where should I put my calories and carb intake for the day?
Also where should protein be?
Right now I’m doing...
top 2 sarms to use include ostarine and SR according to the sarms bible online
I intend to follow that advice
my stack is gonna look like this:
ostarine mk2866 25mgs a day
sr9009 20mgs a day
I’m 5’8’’ and 145 .. seeking more lean muscle and endurance as a runner
any advice on dosing changes?
I am going to need sarms for this. A lot of the people I train with have locked up mouths and they don't share anything at all in terms of PED use. But i know they use sarms
I was thinking of stacking in
Ostarine mk 25mgs a day
Sr9009 20mgs a day
Gw cardarine 30mgs a day
I'm currently around 5...
Anyone try stacking mk677 nutrobal along with SR?
Is this stack gonna help me recomp?
I’m 16% body fat, 5’11’’ and 33 years old
Would like to get to 12%
I am newly single after a long relationship
I want to get back into the dating scene
I’m in my 40’s and 5’8’’ 172 pounds. Body fat is around 12%
Want to look good pure and simple
I want to use sr9009 this time. What else would you use with it?
5’7’’ 170 pounds 18% body fat and 22 years old
I’m mature for my age
I’ve got 3 sarms on hand, just need help with dosing and length
Sr9009, gw cardarine and lgd4033
This stuff seems to be on paper too good to be true
I’m talking about sr9009
What are your opinions on this sarms and how should you stack it ?
I’m 34 years old, 5’6’’ 193 pounds, 20% body fat
I wanted to get the pros and cons of using sr9009 and the pros and cons of using cardarine GW
I know that g.w. causes cancer and 9009 does not
other than that I honestly don't know much about these compounds
can you give me a quick lay out of the benefits and negatives of each so I can decide...
I'm coming off a 16 week steroid cycle and would like to add sarms to help me recover
I'm 25 years old and I went from 165 lb to 185 lb on the side go and I want to keep my gains really bad
would I be able to do rad 140 and sr9009 together or should I pick something else?