This will be my fifth cycle and I’m up to 170 lbs and I’m 5’6”
lean physique at around 6%
I’ve got room to bulk and I would like to put on about 10 lbs of quality muscle
already got my pct in place and also gonna use some nolva and adex on cycle
the cycle itself will be this:
NPP 150mgs 2x per...
What do you think about the comparison between NPP and deca.
Yes I know they are the same thing except their Esther is different but everybody I’ve talked to has a different opinion and say they’re completely different steroids and do completely different things in the body it’s really weird...
In this IronOverload for IO podcast your hosts Stevesmi and Da Mobster discuss - [2024] Nandrolone Phenylpropionate (NPP) Revisited
The confusion between Deca and NPP
How to best use for NPP
How to best manage any side effects
Is it a bulking or cutting steroid?
How to dose and stack it...